October 13, 2008

TWD #5 - Lenox Almond Biscotti & Pumpkin Spice Biscotti

I admit it...I'm a total perfectionist when it comes to certain things. If the spacing on a post is off a little bit, it'll bother me until I go back and fix it. So when I whipped up these biscotti on a Sunday afternoon and then proceeded to burn them during the 2nd baking, I knew that I wouldn't be satisfied until I re-did it.

Luckily I got out of work early on Monday. While I was driving home, I passed by a Starbucks and thought "Mmmm...pumpkin spice latte" which lead to "Mmmm...I bet pumpkin spice biscotti would be awesome" which then lead to "Wait, I bet I can buy some pumpkin spice syrup at Starbucks!" I banged a youie (as we Bostonians call it) and ran into buy some syrup.

It only cost me $.32 cents and little bit of dignity as I realized that my blue sweater and khaki pants exactly matched the uniforms of the private middle school kids that were milling around the shopping center. Nothing like feeling 13 years old again.

I was very excited to make biscotti for this weeks TWD. If you've read my blog, then you might have read about my Bubbie's Mandel Bread recipe, which is a family favorite. It's pretty much like a biscotti, but with a cinnamon and sugar coating. Dorie's recipe was familar enough to relax me, which is probably why I burned the first batch. I don't know why she included cornmeal in the batter, but I don't question what tastes good. And it does!!

After reading the comments by the other posters on the site, I only added 1 tsp of almond extract and 1/2 tsp of vanilla. I like a good almond flavor, but I didn't want to overpower them. However, before I mixed in the flavors, I put a little of the batter aside to make the pumpkin spice ones. This was a bit of trial and error, with the Starbucks creepy orange syrup, cinnamon and nutmeg. I also chilled the batter and lightly oiled my hands (like I do for Mandel Bread) in order to mold it easily. The batter does spread, but that's what makes the final product long and lean - like biscotti should be.

The Lenox Almond ones had a really light and sweet flavor and I knew they'd be great dunked in coffee or chocolate. I had to add about 3-4 tsp of the pumpkin syrup to my other batter in order for the flavor and color to show, but it really came out once I tossed in the spices. They had a spicy light pumpkin flavor that I really liked. And the orange color is pretty cool. I highly recommend kitchen experimentation! It's a new concept to me, as I'm usually too much of a perfectionist to go off-recipe, but so far my experiments have turned out well. I will definitely make these again! I think I'll even swing by Starbucks for more syrup flavors :-)

I nibbled quite a few pieces from start to finish, so these non-burnt and actually quite pretty biscotti are going to work tomorrow with Alex. To see how the other TWD bakers fared, check out the blogroll here! This recipe was chosen by Gretchen, of Canela & Comino. Please visit her blog for the delicious and easy recipe.


Engineer Baker said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I would never have thought to get the syrup from Starbucks - great idea! They look wonderful.

Kimberly Johnson said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Pumpkin spice biscotti - yum! What a great idea to use Starbucks syrup for flavoring!

Anonymous said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I didn't know you could just buy squirts of Starbucks syrup! What a great idea! I love the two ways you made these, they look fantastic.

chocolatechic said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Pumpkin spice....sounds heavenly.

kimberly salem said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

now that is resourseful -- i would never thought have getting the syrup from starbucks! great idea, and the biscotti look wonderful:)

Unknown said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

What a great idea - I love that creepy orange syrup!

Anonymous said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Pumpkin spice latte – inspired choice, Woman.

Anonymous said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Cool idea about the Starbucks syrup. Your biscotti look great. Yum!

Although, I think SB should have given you a couple squirts for free...

Shari said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Very creative idea to use the syrup!

dharmagirl said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

what a clever idea! i'm so excited to learn that you can buy just a bit of syrup. i used to buy a single shot of esresso for baking before i found my stovetop espresso maker:) great looking biscotti!

Bungalow Barbara said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

What a great idea to use the Starbucks syrup! And good for you for experimenting!

You were smart to use just a little bit of the dough to play around with. Sometimes experiments don't work out and then you haven't wasted a lot of good ingredients. But sometimes they turn out great!