March 30, 2010

Let all who are hungry, come and eat...

Last night was a whole lotta deliciousness. Alex and I hosted the annual Steiner Family Traveling Seder (last year, Brooklyn! Next year...San Fran?) and it was a lovely time. There were masks and props...and of course, brisket. Good time was had by all! And I'm exhausted.

Bibi, Gabby and Mariel fight over the spiced nuts

Alex and his dad wash the dishes. Bless them!

Contemplating why this night is different from all other nights...

Passover "slave" to the oven timer?

Alex shows Pete that he's still the big brother


Seder Menu

Eggplant Camponata
Rosemary Spiced Nuts
Salmon and Tilapia Cakes w/Cucumber Chive Sauce
Cauliflower Popcorn
Confetti Vegetable Kugel
Matzah Apple Kugel
Brisket with 36 Cloves of Garlic
Raspberry Squares
Honey Nut Cake with Soaking Syrup

recipes to follow...