October 20, 2008

One Year Ago Today...

Alex and I met in December 2000, my junior year and his sophomore year, at the University of Maryland. We had both come to an after-party of the Maryland Generics with our friends, and I spotted him across the room. He was tall and adorable, shy and slightly overwhelmed with all the chattering ADPi girls near him. I made my way across the room to meet him and "accidentally" stepped on his foot, just so I could say "Oh, sorry! Hi, I'm Beth." He knew the punchline to my favorite joke* and that just clinched it for me. Our friend, Matt, gave me Alex's AIM information (hey, we were college students? So what?) and I IM'ed him the next day with a few more jokes. IMing lead to lunch at the Bagel Place, which lead to many emails exchanged over winter break. We had our first date in February 2001 and never looked back.

He is my everything. He laughs at my jokes, listens to my stories, rubs my back, compliments my shoes, makes me smile, loves me with all his heart and is the best husband I could have ever wished for. Marriage is a fantastic adventure and I can't wait for more.

*Favorite Joke: What do you call cheese that isn't yours? Nacho cheese!


Anonymous said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Happy Anni-ma-versary! I love you both and wish you a hundred more years of wedded bliss!

#1SAHM said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Happy anniversary! : )